DIY Magazine Binder
Every time I would put some magazines for reading in my bathroom magazine rack, they would get ruined quickly… all curled up and messed up. So I was thinking about how to fix that. How about DIY Magazine Binder?
28 AUG, 2022
How to make Magazine Binder
I love making mini albums. So the thought just came to my mind why not make a “book cover” to suspend my magazines in it? Kind of an interchangeable magazine organizer. So I did 🙂 and it worked out beautifully!

Simplified Instructions
I cut the chipboard to the desired size to hold the whole year of 12 stapled magazines. For reinforcement, I wrapped the spine in canvas and attached the front and back cover with it. Then I decorated the whole binder with design paper, attached the metal corners. At the end I punched 6 little holes at the top and at the bottom edge of the spine. So I could thread my assorted strings, ribbons, lace, and seam binding through them.

How to use it?
I spread the magazine in the middle and slide it under a ribbon/string. When the magazine closes it is held in place and then I can just slide the whole binder into my magazine rack. The magazines all hang nicely so they keep their shape and they are easier to flip through laid out on your knees. When I am done reading any of the magazines I can easily exchange them for new ones.

Go watch the full video on How to do a Magazine Binder on my CraftyHanded YouTube channel, or if you like what I do and would like to support me in any way please become my Patreon.