Fresh Start!

8 Apr, 2020

In March 2020, the server I have been using since the beginning of the century just shut down and I have very unexpectadly lost both of my websites, personal and my Fortunately I had most of my content saved in some form or another and I could recreate my sites. Even though I couldn’t even imagine how time consuming that would be.

Bigger challenge was to setup everything buy myself. The last time I did that was 20 years ago… totally different way 🙂 I had to buy a new server hosting and setup everything manually so I could install and run WordPress as I’ve decided to use it for building my new websites rather than html and CSS coding and Dreamweaver like before… Connect my existing domains… I admit I had to call the support to get my emails connected and working properly, but eventually I got it all up and running and I was quite proud of myself :).

Then I’ve spent ages looking for the right templates and I am still not sure I got the right ones. But I think it is good enough to start loading my content in. As for my Craftyhanded site I am pretty much keeping what I have been doing for the past few years. But my personal site is undergoing some serious content changes. It has lost my personal touch over the years and I am going to reclaim it. So stay tuned!


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